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August 27, 2006


8 9 10 sep 2006
tix at $12

come come! it's gonna be 3 helluva crazy whacky nites! :)

~1 butterflies~

July 31, 2006
it's amazing to see how much i love someone that even now when i think of the person.. i realise i dun hate that person at all..

on the contrary.. that person means a lot to me still..

~1 butterflies~

April 09, 2006
sometimes i wonder..
i wonder who still visits this blog.. checking intermittently as to whether i've updated.. or whether i've resumed blogging here.. fact is.. i still will blog here.. but seldom.. seem to have lost the enthusiasm to blog anyway..

*post editted*

so anyway most people would have been done with their deadlines by now.. but not for me.. i still have 2 more assignments n 1 more freaking irritating lab report to do... will onli be this weekend that i can study for my exams.. how great.. thankfully my exam starts on the 25th..

goodbye tiesto.. im selling ur tickets..

~1 butterflies~

March 24, 2006

~0 butterflies~

March 13, 2006
mahjong madness..
played mahjong 3 times in 4 days.. crazy or wad.. stakes were quite high.. luckily overall i won 18 on the 1st time, lost 10 on the 2nd time n broke even on the 3rd.. so ok lar.. the 8 bucks i won ended up in cab fare.. so.. to those mj non addicts.. it's actualli just a waste of time..

but i beg to differ.. lots of love to shim dawn the 2 jons kandi andrew n issac.. :) so much fun mj-ing tog.. my nua-ing gang.. what will i do without you guys??? looking forward to school tmr so that i can meet u all!!! :P

life is beautiful... esp when you can nua the whole day and find pleasure in doing so...

~0 butterflies~

March 06, 2006

The Surprising Lover
54% partner focus, 42% aggressiveness, 55% adventurousness

Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:

You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, your satisfaction comes more from providing a wonderful time to your partner than simply seeking your own.

This places you in the Lover Style of: The Surprising Lover.

The Surprising Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and, like the name implies, is often filled with hidden delights and talents that might not be apparent from a surface knowledge of the person. The Surprising Lover is rather like a geode--sometimes rough on the exterior, but filled with beauty and wonder. The Surprising Lover is thus a gem to find, though it can sometimes be difficult to do so because they often tend to be humble and unwilling to reveal their inner greatness unless they're in a rewarding relationship.

In terms of physical love, the Surprising Lover really shines, often highly imaginative and utterly devoted to bringing the heights of pleasure to the one that they truly love. Given a rewarding, reciprocative relationship, and the right lover, the Surprising Lover can be a delight in bed.

Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Carnal Lover (most of all) or the Exotic Lover, or the Suave Lover.

~0 butterflies~

March 03, 2006
fucked up
i fucking hate people who spread rumours about me.. so if u are guilty as charged.. please shut the fuck up and never talk to me again.. dun act friendly in front of me when u're actually stabbing shit holes in my back.. i really ought to be more weary of the friends i make.. sigh..

and pls get the facts right b4 starting the rumours.. thank you very much..

ps.. serious contemplation of shutting down this blog.. shall cease blogging for now.. frens will know my new blog url once i've started blogging again..


~0 butterflies~

March 01, 2006

hello world.. im happy today :)

phy in life sci test was.. FoS.. realli.. badly phrased questions.. english really damn bad.. it's like a few random words constitute the question.. nus really should send lecturers for english courses before allowing them to teach.. wth is a sugar chain?? DNA chain or sugar backbone lar.. diao.. i read the questions until wan to puke blood le.. anihow.. a few careless mistakes on my part.. hope i dun screw this up sia.. supposed to score one..

physio test tmr but i dun have the mood to study.. been emotionally drained the past few days.. it's like i feel like a walking corpse.. and yes i've been anti social lately.. so u can call or sms me but dun blame me if i dun answer.. i'll reply when i feel like it..

spent the whole afternoon talking kok with shim dawn n kandi.. dawn left halfway while we continued 'studying' n talking more kok.. haha issac n andrew came to join us and that was it for studying man.. haha laugh until peng sia.. andrew's big mouth.. n a whole lot of other shit.. lol i never laughed so hard in ages.. good workout for the abdominals.. n the heart..

so now im feeling half screwed but a bit cant be bothered also about the test tmr.. 1 hour.. 4 questions.. hope it'll be do-able lar.. maybe i shall be a good girl and read my textbook after blogging..

dance prac tmr for hiphop nite.. i dun wanna screw up again sia.. dun wan to kana scolding! but den i forgot the seq of the steps le.. crap rite.. nvm.. tmr go earli n practise.. my last performance as an undergrad.. gonna treasure it.. :)

~1 butterflies~

February 25, 2006
bursting a balloon..
imagine a balloon.. you keep pumping air into it.. bit by bit.. slowly but surely.. one fine day.. it's gonna burst albeit elastic.. all it takes is that little bit more air to do the trick..

right now im that balloon.. almost maxed but not quite..

so pardon my aloofness.. my "i-dun-give-a-shit".. in all honesty.. i do care.. but b4 anything irreversible happens.. i better take some time to deflate..

im really really tired.. drained.. even 10 hours of sleep aint doing me good.. something's really wrong.. but right now.. i'm taking it on my own..

~0 butterflies~

February 24, 2006
O A S I S R A W K Z ! ! !
lots of controversy about the oasis concert.. apparently me n yang were the only ones who think it was awesome.. maybe it's due to the fact that we were standing so damn near liam! like the 2nd row can!!! mosh pits are scary.. push here push there.. all the sweaty bodies rubbing against you.. body surfing.. it was plain madness.. but i enjoyed myself totally! so so so close to liam.. noel was just being his usual cool self with his guitar.. the concert was pretty short though.. 2 hours only.. i expected more.. but i was on tiptoes the whole nite.. din even have space to put both feet on the ground.. that was how crazy n packed the 160 bucks arena was.. everyone just shoving towards the front.. i swear i lost 1 kg sia.. haha

and this lucky bitch got called up by liam can!!! wah lau.. so damn lucky!! she spent a good 3 min on stage shaking HIS tambourine.. jumping up n down.. running around machiam like her concert.. and the best part.. she KISSED noel!!!!!!!!!!! no way rite!!! we were all shouting bitch!! haha obviously full of jealousy n envy.. bleahz.. n i din manage to catch the tambourine liam threw.. was too far front.. but i did manage to take a few good shots :) vidz lasted for a min or so onli.. b4 i got pushed to n fro by the crazy pple.. couldnt even hold the camera still for a second sia.. kana push here push there.. stepped on.. lol.. it was plain madness..

din get any merchandise for myself.. the shirts were either L or XL and there was NO tour tshirt.. how crap is that? so i bot a L for the biggest oasis fan i know in the end.. haha luckily i already have the tour tshirt when i went to see them in chicago.. :)

something unpleasant happened when i got back home.. got hung up on which i so totally hate.. tired already can..

not gonna say more.. today's a happy day.. today i stood just a few cm away from liam.. tonite i'll have sweet dreams :)

i want more... that was 160 bucks well spent.. :)

~0 butterflies~

*JeNniFeR LaM
*16 oCt 1984
*mysticjen@ gmail.com
*hIp HoP dANcE
*bEacH vBaLL
*sHoPpInG sPrEeS
*PhOto bLoG!
*The current mood of mysticjen at www.imood.com

*sQ bAbEy! *aDriAn *aH tAu *aNnE *CaiLinG *dOt *eD *eRneSt *jEnNy *juLiaN *jUnNiE *jUsTiN *kUrIaKoNz *LiqUiDsHy *mAKi *mErVyN *rYaN *qiUyi *sHuYaaAa *tAT *vAL *WaNqiNg *WhiTe hOoDs *yuN *yY

. memories //*
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006

. credits //*
blogspot blogskins xl0nestarrs-

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